Club Championship Show 2017
Pictured above is Best in Show and BCC winner Ch Vormund Norma Jean, owned by Miss M Dunhill-Hall with judge Mrs P Hollings
Our club championship show in 2017 was judged by Mrs Patsy Hollings.
Judges Critique
What a great atmosphere from all, probably due to the energy imparted by the committee, to make this a lovely show for all. How innovative to have a class for dogs not shown at Championship shows and fun classes, encouraging folk who love the breed, but don’t want to show their dogs. This makes for a day for all enthusiasts. Well done. I really enjoyed my time with you all and judging lovely dogs. Thank you.
BIS & BCC: Dunhill-Hall CH VORMUND NORMA JEAN. Headed a very rewarding class to judge. Her outline and bloom, draw you in. Close up there is nothing to disappoint; her head depicts the breed to advantage, forming a triangle from above and from the side view. Her small, dark eye gives the oriental outlook, coupled with well set ear and flat skull. Cheeks are full in proportion to head balance. Has strong underjaw through tapering muzzle. Strong flowing neckline through well laid shoulders, with depth and width of brisket giving H front. Topline is firm and level to good use of tail which shows correct length. She moves with smooth ease of gait displaying confidence. She shows no sign of ageing .
RBIS &DCC: Dunhill-Hall CH VORMUND IMAGINE DRAGON. Masculine, athletic, a class act. Notice in the catalogue, he is out of my BIS and can certainly see the family connection. Has that classic head. Masculine, shapely and clean with strength, balance of height to leg and firm outline. He uses himself with aplomb and economy. He had the maturity and full coat which secured him the CC.
BPIS: Dunhill VORMUND THE SIXTH SENSE. This 6 mth dog, again I see is out of Norma Jean! As it seems were all my four puppy winners, but there again, a clever breeder of some years, that have developed type, work with it, instinctively knowing their lines. Whilst he is obviously new out, he just has so much quality and balance. He emits a typical profile, has the most gorgeous head piece and his sound construction is shown when he performs with energy and true foot placement. Clear translucent colour and gleaming double coat.
RBPIS: Dunhill VORMUND DIAL M'FOR MURDER. What can I say - the female version of the male! She is cheeky (just what I want in a baby), with good head balance. Small dark bright eye obliquely set. Ears correctly placed and used to show alert expectation. Has body for age and leg to provide balance. Her tail is set and used well. Beautiful condition and coat.
BVIS: Bannister CH JANERYLS ELEKTRA. This 9 year old is impressive and was so close to higher honours. Whist feminine throughout, I was taken by her strength and condition. Has grand head strong neck to give carriage. Firm back with leg giving good proportions. Well padded feet. Lovely clear colour and bloom. She is up for all asked and goes with light fluid action.
I found all the veterans were in super condition and muscle with clean white teeth, which is all credit to exhibitors of this breed and the owners care for their charges.
MPD 1ST Dunhill-Hall & Rhodes VOMUND MEMENTO. Smart and composed. Lovely head with dark expressive obliquely set eye. Full cheeks, tapering foreface and correct stop. Small well set triangular ear. .Quality bone, front has width with straight well boned legs. Tail is of right set and carriage. Lovely coat and grand little mover.
JD 1ST Rushfirth HIKAYS TAKES THE BISCUIT. 13 mth, well grown chap. Compact with shapely outline. Balanced head with flat skull, small erect, ear used to display alert outlook. Full cheeks and balance of foreface. Has the required strong, yet clean neckline. Correct angulation in forequarters with width and depth of chest, thus correct H shape when viewed from front. Quality bone and good feet. Has developed ribs and strong loin giving level back to good set on and carriage of tail. Has width behind. Is lithe in action and has propulsion. Obviously not quite the maturity and not in his best jacket to take the top award today, but his overall quality and style, deemed he could not be denied the res CC.
YD 1ST Bostock & Armstrong JUST TAKE MY HEART TO RUTHDALES. Still a youngster at 14 mths. Very appealing head piece, with the ratio from occiput to stop –stop to end of muzzle providing the right for the breed. Flat skull, triangular ear in balance to eye which give the oriental shape and confident look. Needs to develop a touch in neck, level back. Decent quarters and tail. In lovely double coat with stiff top coat. He has type, just needs to grow on.
PGD 1ST Marriott SHKASHINO BLACK ROXS AT JARSHIMAR 2 year old with decent head type. Good bone, has spring of rib and depth with forechest. Holds his firm topline, when moving, showing positive action. Feet need to tighten and would just like a touch shorter loin, although well muscled.. 2ND. WATSON & WATSON-BRYANS, MARILOUVALE’S TOP GUN. Flat skull with decent ear .Dark well placed and set eye. Full cheeks, could be stronger in foreface. Masculine with good bone. Moves true out and back ,but can loose shape on the go round.
MLD 1ST Craig & Jones ALMOLKA DENNIS THE MENACE. This chap was in fabulous condition and muscle .He has a super character, just alert and ready to do what’s asked of him. He fits the standard well, presenting a typical picture with balance. Head is masculine with flat skull good ear and dark obliquely set eye with sparkle. Good depth and width to chest and straight well boned front legs to well padded feet. Firm back and uses his strong quarters well. 2ND Watson CALICELESTI CASANOVA. Smart outline, not quite the muzzle of winner. Shapely with firm topline and compact .Typical of the breed from his head to his well set tail. Presented in good order and bloom of coat. 3RD Best-Rawlings & Farnell KYOSHI DEVIL MAY CARE.
LD 1ST Roskell RAHIMA MARSHLL MATTHERS JW. 2year quality dog. Loved his head, reminds me of his illustrious father. Has powerful arched neckline flowing through well laid shoulders. Has spring and depth of rib, coupled with balance of well boned leg length to give correct front viewed from any angle. In super body and muscle, working to advantage with handler. A lovely chap, his day will come. 2ND. Cooper & Dunhill-Hall VORMUND HEATH CLIFF. Smart, alert, not just the finish of winner ,but has lots going for him. He is lithe and active with correct footfall, coming from balanced, sound construction. 3RD Watson CALICELESTI REAPERMAN.
OD 1ST VORMUND IMAGINE DRAGON - RBIS 2ND Craig & Jones ALMOLKA PRINCE HARRY. Worthy chap in super condition and bloom. This masculine, clean, balanced dog has lots going for him. Has a grand head piece with flat skull, full cheeks and dark eye displaying oriental expression. Muscular neck flows through good shoulder placement .Strong short loin provides a level back to his well set tail . just felt winner had a smidgen more impulsion on the day . A cracking pair. 3RD Sharrock WE-SEDSO ENJOY FOR NAROCKA .
OD BLACK & TAN 1ST Sharrock WE-SEDSO ENJOY FOR NAROCKA This 6 year old was 3rd. in the good open class. He is pleasing for type with good balance throughout. A touch round in eye for me and not the best feet, but nit-picking and has qualities. 2ND. Best-Rawlings OJI SHOTARO DEL CAZADORA BLANCA WITH TRIXWOOD. Fit and strong, could have better feet, and not quite the head piece of winner. Just looking a touch rangy. Good personality and presented in good order. 3RD H.DREAM WITH MELAVES.
VD All show good condition, health and clean white teeth, well looked after. 1ST Watson & Watson-Bryans CH. MARILOUVALE’S SURFER BOY . A lovely type with quality throughout. Masculine with correct angulation both ends. Thus he goes with true footfall and economical gait. This chap fulfils the standard well and easy to see why he has his title. 2ND. Black & Black-Bunce TRIXWOOD ANOTHER HERO AMONG ZAANDAM. Pleasing head with the required oriental outlook. Good use of small pointed, well set ear. Good bone. Perhaps not quite the angulation of winner, therefore a touch shorter stride ,but balanced both ends so correct out and back. 3RD. Fitzakerly BEARPARK BASHKA.
MPB 1ST Dunhill VORMUND FATAL ATTRACTION. Just 6 months, but so very pretty. Loved her head great eye shape, super pigmentation. Full cheeks. Her construction and outline is just right for type. She is well balanced and in lovely body for her tender age, in fact a lovely Shiba in miniature, coupled with gentle handling which has developed her confident personality. Will surely make a name for herself in time. 2ND Black & Black-Bunce TRIXWOOD BE AMY’S DREAM OF ME. Very nice, well grown 8 month girl. Very sound, honest sort. Just not quite as sweet in expression as the winner, but informative years, growth rates makes a difference .3RD. Marriott AMIVIKE’S MIA MAJIC AT JARSHIMAR.
PB What a lovely class of promising youngsters. 1ST Dunhill VORMUND DIAL M FOR MURDER - RBPIS 2ND Dunhill VORMUND BUTTERFLY EFFECT. This one shares the family resemblance, but is not as forward as the winner. Needs to drop and fill in brisket. This kennel indeed has the head stamped through their breeding and certainly appeals for size, shape and quality. This one is no exception. 3RD Bannister JANERYL’S MOONSHINE MABEL.
JB 1ST Watson & Watson-Bryans MARILOUVALE’S MAKING MAYHEM. Stands out for balance. Good depth and leg length. Compact body with level topline and tail on top carried with confidence. Pleasing head with correct ratio from occiput to stop-stop to muzzle. Good ear and eye and full cheeks. Stands on good legs and feet. Smart nimble mover. 2ND Bannister JANERYL’S REBEL REBEL. Lots to like here. Displays her attributes to advantage .Sound and satisfying to go over. Attractive little mover with verve and style. Just not as forward as winner. 3RD. A, MIA MAJIC AT J.
PGB 1ST Bannister OSHIMA NO KUROTORAME GO. Feminine, tidily made girl. Decent enough in head, but would like smaller, ear and rather wide set. Short strong, clean muzzle. Strength in neck and of length to give good carriage. Correct H front from good angulation and brisket. Firm back. In good body and coat. Does her job to advantage and this helped secure her win. 2ND Mothersdale AMIVIKE’S WITH A TOUCH OF INK. Pretty little bitch, feminine but not weak. Has type in head and good outline. Lovely personality. Just not as good in front as winner. 3RD Watson & Watson-Bryans MARILOUVALE’S MERCEDES.
MLB 1ST Watson & Watson-Bryans MARILOUVALE’S THELMA. Skull is flat ears are small pointed and set well. her eyes are dark with typical expression from correct shape. Short muzzle; clean with good underjaw. Has substance and quality bone. Feet are neat. Has depth and width with spring of rib. Good tail set and muscled quarters providing drive. A very useful sort. 2ND REPEAT A..WTH A TOUCH OF INK. 3RD. Best-Rawlings TRIXWOOD ONE VISION FOR BOTHWAYS.
LB 1ST Fitzakerly BEARPARK DRAGON HEART. Lovely sound, well boned bitch. Super head, so typical and friendly confident outlook. Correct H front from well made forehand. Compact body with short strong loin. Sound behind .Goes holding her shape with lively gait. 2ND. Bannister JANERYL’S ANGELS IN THE MIST. Lithe, active and full of type. A real Shiba, appealing for size and overall balance. Exuberant on the move, which probably accounts for her just loosing her topline a little on the move today. 3RD Mothersdale AMIVIKE’S SUPER MINX.
OB 1ST Dunhill-Hall CH. VORMUND NORMA JEAN. Don’t know if I have ever been over this 6year old before ,but certainly ,today she wowed me. As I turned to look at this class she just took my attention. Bang on form. BOB. 2ND Best-Rawlings TRIXWOOD DANCIN IN MY DREAMS. I liked this bitch a lot. So good to go over. Made right, feminine but no weakness. Balance of bone .Just right for size and has body and presented in grand order with lovely coat. Stylish, purposeful mover. 3RD. Dunhill-Hall VORMUND EVA GREEN.
OB SEASAME 1ST Mothersdale AMIVIKE’S COS I’M SPECIAL SHCM. 9 years and is as fit as a fiddle. A lovely sort, honest and soundly constructed. Really liked her.Went very well.
Winners Photographs
Best in Show & BCC
Best Veteran in Show
Reserve Best in Show & DCC
Best Puppy in Show
Reserve Best Puppy in Show