Club Championship Show 2018
Pictured above is Best in Show and DCC winner Vormund Heath Cliff, owned by Miss J Cooper and Miss M Dunhill-Hall with judge Mrs H Fitzgibbon
Our club championship show in 2018 was judged by Ms Hazel Fitzgibbon.
Judges Critique
Many thanks to the Club, Committee and Officers for the honour of being able to judge this special show. The atmosphere was warm and friendly and the exhibitors were free with their applause and most sporting. The rosettes and special awards deserve a mention; they were very special indeed and worthy of being awarded at an Anniversary show. The dogs were, without exception, of good temperament and all presented in good show condition. There was the odd one going thick through the loin, but generally all were at correct weight. Coats were trying their hardest to stay in but this was obviously failing on occasion. Type varied greatly, now even more than in the past, as did colour. Soundness was generally good with no hopping or lameness on view today. Some bites could have been tighter but there were no wry, level or undershot dogs on show.
MPD (1) 1 Best-Rawlings' Trixwood Vision For Bothways. What a splendid start to the day. Well grown with a quality coat and good bone throughout. Very smart lad with excellent front, needs to tighten a little at the rear. A sickle tail and defined urajiro. Liked him very much.
PD (1) 1 Dunhill-Hall's Vormund Sinister. Elegant b/t. Well marked with a big 'bow tie'. Moderate for bone and angles. Very striking profile with well set tail. Moving like he is built, with great balance in all directions. BPD.
JD (3, 1) 1 Black & Black Bunce's Casakura Harly Heritage For Zaandam. Lighter colour than for preference but movement and overall balance won him this class. Big lad with bone to match and with quality textured double coat. Good feet. Without doubt a Male and absolutely sound. 2 Dunhill-Hall's Kaga No Shouji Go Sapporo Kagasou Vormund (Imp Jpn). Appealing on the stack and at the other end of the spectrum from the previous dog. Most lovely colour with a pretty face. Good coat and excellent tail set.
MLD (2) 1 Watson's Calicelesti Casanova. On the lighter side colour-wise, but a good headed dog with well developed cheeks. Excellent neck and crest. Well set tail. Balanced angles. In excellent coat. A smart lad who despite defying his owner managed to put on a good show of moving. Lovely to see there is still some character in the breed! Res DCC and Res BIS. 2 Marriott's Shika Shino Black Rox At Jarshimar. Pretty headed dog with well set eye and ears. Feet and pasterns could be better and would prefer more angles throughout.
LD (4) 1 Dunhill's Vormund James Bond. Scoring here in balanced movement. Most lovely head and eye on this lad. Good body breadth and depth. Very good overall picture showing a good neck and tail set. Moderate but defined angles throughout. 2 Shika Shino Black Roks At Jarshimar. Repeat. 3 Goudie's Pearlbefree Sos Gran Design. 4 Watson's Calicelesti Reaper Man.
OD (3, 1) 1 Cooper & Dunhill-Hall's Vormund Health Cliff. Very appealing male presented in the best of conditions. Moving out freely and soundly. From his excellent colour and coat, lovely headpiece with an oriental outlook and his very thick tail, he was my star of the day. Glowed with health! DCC, BOB and BIS. 2 Craig & Jones' Almoka Dennis The Menace. Heavier build of dog than one but going over him is a joy with the muscle quantity and tone a testament to much correct exercise. Good coat quality and lovely small ears.
VD (4, 1) 1 Black & Black-Blunce's Trixwood Another Hero Among Zaandam. An eight year old, showing no years at all, being in fine fettle. Lovely head shape with well developed cheeks and well set small ears. Tail could be higher but sits well on the move. Very ilght mover. Res BVIS. 2 Clews' Mymsin Kentaro. Fabulous coloured lad with very clearly defined urajiro. Masculine head without any coarseness. Excellent tail set. Moving freely. 3 Marriott's Hoshiko Dream With Melaves.
MPB (2) 1 Shutt's Jaidev Conspiracy Theory With Tapena. Pretty 8 months old with most appealing head piece. Built on feminine lines and moving out lightly and freely. Good colour. 2 Best-Rawlings' Trixwood It's A Kind Of Magic To Zaandam. Another quality bitch but built on heavier lines. Wouldn't want her any bigger. Excellent for head type. Moving freely.
PB (2) 1 Dunhill-Hall's Vormund Famous Last Words. Loved this youngster. Sturdy to go over and well developed throughout. Well shaped head. Oriental eye and small ears. Excellent tail set. Moving out very soundly being true and balanced in all directions. BPB and BPIS. 2 Mothersdale's Amivike's Affair Of The Heart. B/t, lighter frame than first, but still a quality puppy. Good neck, topline and tail. Profile is good.
JB (6, 2) 1 Ellershaw's Shiamaru Benisa among Galshan (Imp Rus). Lovely style of bitch with many good breed points. Light free mover and beautiful head type. Colour could be denser. 2 Marriott's Amivike's Mia Magic At Jarshimar. Good body, tailset and feet on this youngster. 3 Amivike's Affair Of The Heart.
YB (2) 1 Black & Black-Bunce's Trixwood Be Any's Dream Of Me To Zaandam. B/t with correct colour of undercoat. Good neck, body shape and true front. Scores on the mov. 2 Amivike's Mia Magic At Jarshimar.
PGB (5, 2) 1 Mothersdale's Amivike's With A Touch Of Ink. Stocky girl and solid to go over. Lovely picture on the stack with excellent neck and outline. Good tail set. 2 Shiamaru Benisa Among Galshan (Imp Rus). Repeat. 3 Brans' Marilouvales Queen Of Hearts.
MLB (2) 1 Craig & Jones' Almolka Titchy Strider. Petite bitch but balanced, both on the stack and on the move. Lovely to go over with exceptional muscle quality. Lively mover. 2 Bryans' Marilouvales Queen Elsa. Mature outlook and well presented, a very different type to first. Well presented.
LB (4, 2) 1 Dunhill-Hall's Vormund Rio Caipiroska. Striking bitch, beautifully presented. In excellent coat. Lovely head and expression with correct eye set. Moderate angles but balanced throughout. Moving with absolute precision. Quality girl, well presented. 2 Mothersdale's Amivikes Super Minx. Clean head and eye with well developed cheeks. Well boned throughout. Coat colour could be better.
OB (5, 2) 1 Dunhill-Hall's Ch Vormund Eva Green. Top quality bitch who oozed type. Loved her from her classic head type to her well set tail. Presented a typical Shiba on the stack and moved out truly. Res CC. 2 Goudie's Ch Pearlbefree Oso Fab U'lass. Another lovely champion. Very good for type and substance. Good double coat. Colour could be denser. Excellent tail set. Preferred head type of first. 3 Amivikes Super Minx.
O Black & Tan B (1) 1 Trixwood Be Amy's Dream Of Me. Standing alone here and enjoying her day. Wouldn't like her any bigger.
O Sesame B (1) 1 Mothersdale's Amivikes Cos I'm Special ShCM. At ten and a half, she is in fabulous shape. Lovely profile excellent neck and angles. Excellent tail set. Moving soundly.
VB (3) 1 Best Rawlings' Ch Ir Ch Trixwood Addicted To Love. Very lovely bitch who shows the lasting qualities of the breed without going coarse or loosing type in any way. Excellent conformation with short strong loin holding her frame together. Moving out with ease and grace, covering ground with no effort. BCC and BOS. 2 Amivikes Cos I'm Special ShCM. Repeat. 3 Cooper's Vormund I'm Luella At Pervale.
Winners Photographs
Best in Show & DCC
Best Puppy in Show
Reserve Best in Show & RDCC
Reserve Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran & BCC
Reserve Best Veteran in Show